Friday, September 29, 2006


I was an active church goer many many years ago. I would go with my Aunt to the Thursday night Chinese prayer group. One day, a lady - Mrs. S - was sharing the story about a guy who always questioned why some people were better than him, having more friends, having more money, more successful.... and he often asked that God bring him all these.

Mrs. S went on to say: Why do we always want to compare against those who are doing better than us? In doing so, we often forget about what had been given to us. Look around those people who are not doing as good as you are, they might not have what you have and they might want to be like you! And look harder again at these people, some who cannot walk, some who cannot talk, some who has no family members and know no God! Shouldn't we be appreciative of what we have? Instead of praying for more, we should be thankful to God that we have a healthy body, mind and soul that we can walk on the earth, sing praises to the Lord and be surrounded by people we love.

Somehow I remember this particular prayer session very well partly because I disagreed with what she said. I believe that we should always "look up" and work towards a better life. Why do we have to compare to those who are inferior? Determined, I grew up holding on to this belief so dearly.

However, of late this particular story during my church-going years keeps playing in my mind. I ponder on the lesson Mrs S told and start to think of it from a different perspective. Mrs S was right when she said we should be thankful for having what we have. I am thankful to God for what I have. And I always pray that God keeps my family and people I loved healthy and happy. For their happiness will bring me happiness. And I also pray that God takes me through the test he put on me, for I believe he will lead me the way.


Blogger Limbang152M said...

Interesting ...

What should you be thinking of when you are competing in a 100m race ... trying to overtake the runner in front of you, or be happy that you are faster than the runners behind you?

Should you be complaining about not having owned a $1000 pair of designer shoes, when the person next to you has both feet amputated?

Have a happy new year

The old guy :-)

January 07, 2007 1:15 PM  
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June 20, 2007 4:57 PM  

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